Thursday 18 November 2010

my name is kate, and i am a writer

Blogs are everywhere. Everyone has one--or did before abandoning it for other pursuits, or a handle that isn't 'iheartvampires201'--and if you are one of the few who don't, there comes a point where someone asks, and gives you a funny look when you give your answer.

This goes doubly for anyone in a creative field.

Before the advent of the internet, fledgling writers grappled for spots in magazines and newspapers, in journals and 'zines, and when dissatisfied with their piles of rejection letters, created their own journals with which to slake their thirst for publication. Modern writers still do that, however, they have also turned to blogging, as an outlet for creativity, criticism, and passionate exultation of those whose work they admire the most.

I am now one of them.

After two degrees, and two queries by a published friend of my mother about whether or not I had a blog, I decided it was time to follow in the professional steps of so many others, and create a space purely for my numerous ruminations on not just my writing, but the writing of others, its place in the world, and the world's place in it.

I like the environment.

I like science fiction.

I like tea.

Chances are, they all wind up in the same story.

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